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Magnetic marketing works well for Apple as we are witnessing with the “rush,” once again, by Apple customers to get Apple’s latest iphone. Clearly, magnetic marketing works. But, will it work for your small business – might be your question.

As effective as Apple’s marketing appears to be, when properly understood and implemented, small business magnetic marketing is just as effective. What might even be just as impressive is that knowing what magnetic marketing is and effectively implementing it is very cost effective. In fact, for most small businesses that are already advertising and marketing, it is much less than what they’re paying now. Add to that, small business magnetic marketing, when done correctly can provide high and very measurable returns on investment ROI (which is not always available with traditional marketing).

Magnetic marketing (also referred to as inbound marketing) is essentially lead generation via content, social media and web presence rather than having to go out and drum up sales. The most effective magnetic campaigns today are all based on stellar content. Knowing what works and what doesn’t work in terms of powerful content is crucial to the success of any business that has an online presence.

In order to set up and implement an effective small business magnetic marketing campaign you need to identify your unique selling proposition USP, your ideal customers and the places and platforms where that ideal customer prefers to gather.

You can do this in part by carrying out targeted keyword research (keywords are the words that consumers type in search engines when looking for your type of business), by creating an ideal customer profile, by conducting market research that includes a competitor analysis and by being intimately acquainted with the multiple platforms and mobile devices that now exist.

Currently, there are various marketing strategies that make it possible and practical for small businesses to effectively implement magnetic marketing campaigns such as Facebook marketing, email marketing,  local SEO marketing, social media marketing, text message marketing, video marketing, etc. Each is simple to learn. The effectiveness is knowing the platforms that your customers prefer. The challenge for many small business owners is being clear what the current strategies are, why they work and how to effectively use them.

Learn more about small business magnetic marketing by downloading this free ebook. Magnetic marketing is dramatically less expensive than traditional marketing. If you want to know how effective it can be for you, pay attention to how many iphones that Apple sells. If magnetic marketing works for them, chances are very good that it will work for you.