I don’t know about you. But, for me, when my technology crashes – it REALLY crashes! Once again, my main computer and my back up computer crashed on me – both at the same time! I got them both fixed. And my main computer (which is an Apple MacBookPro) crashed again.

So, needless to say, I have gotten behind on most of the technology stuff that I normally do and that I need to do.

But, that’s the bad news. Other than the crazy technology issues that I’m having – life is pretty good!

As you may know, I’ve spent the last year and a half becoming an expert marketing consultant. I’ve been doing some consulting as well as coaching for business owners from part-time photographers to massage therapists to music producers.

If you have ever considered being a coach or a consultant, you will enjoy this audio by two coaches/consultants. (The audio is an MP3 file. All you have to do is download the file and play it.) The audio is just under an hour and includes some great (and very easy to do) tips that will help you establish your position as an expert in your chosen field. It will also provide tips on how to establish your credibility and build your confidence.

If you have not considered being a coach or a consultant, you might be surprised at how much your knowledge and expertise is needed. And, it really doesn’t matter what your expertise is. Mine is marketing. But, there are coaches/consultants in photography, cooking, dog grooming, quilt making, archery, etc.

Talk soon,


P.S. Recently, I bought the ultimate consultant training program available anywhere. This particular program is not for everybody. One reason is because of the price. But, I’ve already used tips to get a new consulting client. And their fee will pay for the program. If coaching or consulting has crossed your mind, do yourself a favor and check this out. Even if you do not buy the training program, the free content that they are giving away will be worth your time – and then some. I promise.